
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height:2,30m; 7'5"
Place of Birth: Sharlayan
Occupation: Businessman, former Mercenary

Störtebeka was born and raised in Sharlayan. He first left the island with Louisoix Leveilleur, having the same opinion on the matter of the Primels as the honorable Leveilleur. The fight against the Primels wasn't the only reason though to travel to the Mainland, his research in Allagan history and technology needed him to leave as well. In his time away from Sharlayan he learned the ways of the Protector, a fighting style combining the arts of the warrior, dark knight, paladin and gunbreaker with an allagan battle suit and their nanotechnology.

A friendly and polite person, Störtebecka enjoys the company of others greatly and will help where he can. Though you should not try his patience for he can be as mean as he is nice and he can hold a grudge for a long time.

Here I stand again before their grave. "I brought your favorite flowers, old friend." the wind Howells, an attempt at an answer?
No, there is something else, a warning, a cry for help. "Excuse me, I have to go!" After putting down the flowers, I make myself on the way to the small forest at the foot of the hill, snow crunching under my feet. Four people running, three following one, a chase. "get him! kill the heretic!" fanatics. my gut wrenches at the thought of what they've already done. No more.
I brace myself for the impact of the heretic. He's too busy with his pursuers to notice me behind the trees. A crash followed by a thud. Now a Jung viera lies in the snow, tears running down his face, shock and terror holding his heart in a tight grip. I can't stand it. "Stay down!" gripping the hilt of my weapon preparing for combat. "stand aside foreigner, this is a matter of the church." a lie, good. " no, the hunt for heretics is forbidden by the orders of the lord speaker." anger and disdain welled up in the Nobleman's face "I don't care about the orders of a Streetmutt who lays with dragons. Guards kill him as well!"
His last mistake. I Parry the first spear and doge the second, in a fluid motion I grab dodged ones spear lifting and throwing him against a tree. I close the distance further to the last one and knock him out with the pummel of my blade. Their leader started running after the first went flying, catching up to him meant leaving the boy alone. Tracing his movements with the tip of my weapon I took a deep breath, then thunder rang throughout the valley. Blood colored the snow and one man took his last breath. The boy stood up and looked at me "are they dead?" turning around I say "no they didn't deserve to die, yet. What's your name Jung friend?" still shocked and freezing he answered "Xandrill. My name is Xandrill." "Störtebecka. Good to meet you. Now let us light a fire before the cold kills us." The wind blew soft and relieving. Are you at ease old friend, did you want this?

Getting dressed for a ballroom dance is always a pain but for this job I need to get to mingle with some of the nobility of ishgard. My contact for the invitation luckily has some gripes with my target, a noble man with some questionable methods of acquiring his staff. Black waistcoat, white dress shirt, dress pants, dancing shoes also in black and to top it all of a mask. "we don't want to be noticed too quickly don't we" told me my contact, a fine joke.
At the venue I realized why it wasn't a joke. Dredge and scum from all around eorzea in all shapes and sizes and of course the mandatory no weapons at the event rule.
Inside I was greeted by the opulence of old nobility. Golden chandeliers, marble floors, a fountain filled with wine and a grand orchestra for music. An informant should meet me inside dressed in blue, but no one so far in the entrance area and by the buffet, the ballroom was the last grand place to visit and to my luck it was time to dance. Entering the room I saw but one person in blue, an elezen gentleman, the ladies falling over him but he seemed not interested in any of them. Now after I found him I needed to reach him and for that I had to cross the room. Let's see how many dace parents it would take. The first was an elder lady, one of my kind, a veteran, her body well formed by training and labor. Her Maske left enough room for me to see a scar above the left eye. It was the only one clearly visible, the rest covered up by her beautiful ball dress perfectly fitted to her body. I would have loved to dance with her for longer but I had a mission and the next dance partner waited. The next dance partner was an Au Ra, a bit short for a male his kind, his white suit complemented his body well and harmonized with his porcelain scales, a well versed gentlemen on the dance floor. I nearly lost myself in his hassle nut brown eyes but my goal was clear and my next dance partner was… a gentleman dressed in blue. His silver hair caressing his face, soft, delicate hand trying to enclose mine and failing to do so, a slim, athletic frame complemented by a well tailored suit. "The moon is a pleasant sight in othard around this time of year." his face blushed, a good actor, before he recited his side of the code "then let us dance in it's like only Diabolos can." and so we danced to a sinister tune fitting for a blood waltz. I took the lead "do you have the information?" his eyes widened "here? now?Yes." When we keep moving no one will hear the full conversation and the music will do the rest. "There is a book with every name and what they ordered and what they received.where is it? Here in this manor?_no, he keeps it in an abandoned manor near gridania.'' That's all I needed to know. "well then let's enjoy the night as well as we can." the music slowed down and he put his head against my chest "can you help me escape this place?" a question full of long lost trust "that was part of the deal wasn't it?" can I give him enough hope to follow through with it "yes but how long will it take?" time for the grande Finale. I Maneuver us over to the exit, an elegant mix of spins and side steps, woven into a fluid motion and before anyone can intervene we were through the exit and gone into the night.
The board was set, my next steps were clear, gridania was my next destination and a certain manor needed my attention, but I can't take this job alone. I need help. Hopefully I find some in due time. The downfall of Luisiuax de Bardon has begun.